Manager to Leader

The rapidly changing demands on senior managers and leaders requires you to not only know how to lead and to demonstrate leadership behaviors, but also to “be” a congruent and values-driven leader.

Knowing, Doing, Being….a Leader

- Knowing refers to the “cognitive capabilities or multiple intelligences the leader requires.

- Doing is the behavioral elements of becoming a leader- developing problem solving, communication, conflict management, or adaptive skills.

- “Being” is developing your self-identity as a leader, but also your personal characteristics, your integrity and your values as a leader.

Workshop Objectives

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

- Distinguish between effective management and leadership – and be more confident in leading others

- Identify their natural leadership style and be comfortable using other less familiar styles

- Enhance their understanding of self and others

- Improve self-awareness using the feedback Executive Leadership Profile.

- Practice a range of communication skills for relationship building and influencing

- Identify a vision and identify key elements involved in its execution

- Identify some development goals and strategies

Workshop Duration

3 Day Workshop

Workshop Overview

  • Management and Leadership: The Differences
  • Understanding your leadership style
  • Leadership through Vision, Alignment and Execution
  • Big picture thinking
  • Crafting the vision
  • Executive Leadership Profile
  • Experiential Activity
  • Mindful Leadership and Self Management
  • Building Alignment
  • Championing Execution
  • Developing yourself
  • Strategic Career Planning
  • Comprehensive course notes
  • Diagnostic profiling
  • One-hour executive coaching session
  • Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea
  • Internet access





1st floor, 35-B, Block A, HBFC Faisal Town, Lahore, Pakistan
