Draw Your Future

If you have ever dreamed a big dream for your life, tried to make it happen and then life got in the way - illness, elder parent care, kids, or good old fashioned fear - you are not alone!

Research shows 9 out of 10 of us who set goals every year never achieve them! Why? We know exactly what to do, but we live in a highly distracting world, and it’s easy to lose track when you don’t have a clear picture to help you stay focused.

If you knew there was a secret to making change more easily wouldn't you want to know it?
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to learn to draw a powerful picture that will take you from goal setting to goal getting and step into the dream business and life you have always longed for.

Most people say, “But I can’t draw!” You will be amazed, whether you think you can draw or not (your brain doesn’t know the difference) – just 30 days from now – how much your life will change.

You will walk away from this session with a proven process to connect with that Future You. Envisioning a powerful future and creating a focused plan of attack that fuels your progress, will help you step into the life you have always dreamed about.

Learning Outcomes

In Just 75 Minutes You Can Make the Essential Changes To Help Your Business and Your Life Blast Off!

What you’ll gain during this powerful time:

- Insight to understand why drawing your future is the #1 key to change

- Simple drawing tips to override any inner and outer critic

- Tips to strengthen your attachment to a future that will make you achieving that unstoppable

- Firsthand experience of the dopamine rush from success and how to harness it

- Building a bold plan of action to maintain a laser like focus and eliminate unnecessary steps

- Unbelievable confidence and belief that you CAN do this!

At the end of this online workshop you will experience how a single, powerful drawing will keep you motivated to use this process again and again.


You will gain personal tips from Irfan Rustam to help maintain your focus on key priorities. You’ll get personalized follow up (a 20-minute coaching session) to set you up for success.





1st floor, 35-B, Block A, HBFC Faisal Town, Lahore, Pakistan
